Kotlin Coroutines 1.5.0 is out! Here’s what the new version brings.

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GlobalScope is now marked as a delicate API. GlobalScope is an advanced API that is easy to misuse. The compiler will now warn you about possible misuse and require an opt-in for this class in your program.

Extensions for JUnit. CoroutinesTimeout is now available for JUnit 5.

The refined Channel API. Along with a new naming scheme for the library functions, the non-suspending functions trySend and tryReceive were introduced as better alternatives to offer and poll.

Stabilization of Reactive Integrations. We added more functions for converting from Reactive Streams types to Kotlin Flow and back, stabilized many existing functions and ReactiveContext API.

Find all the news for the Kotlin 1.5.0 release in this blog post - https://kotl.in/1.5.0

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Kotlin Coroutines 1.5: GlobalScope Marked As Delicate, Refined Channels API, and More
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