Spring Batch – Programmatic Flow Decision

In the article, JavaSampleApproach will introduce about Programmatic Flow Decisions in Spring Batch.

Related Post: Spring Batch

A. Concept

Spring Batch provides mechanics for controlling the flow steps of batch job: JobExecutionDecider interface & decision tag

1. JobExecutionDecider

The interface allowing for programmatic access to the decision on what the status of a flow should be. In here we need overwrite the function: FlowExecutionStatus decide(JobExecution jobExecution, StepExecution stepExecution): Strategy for branching an execution based on the state of an ongoing. The return value will be used as a status to determine the next step in the job.

package org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow;

import org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution;
import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution;

 * Interface allowing for programmatic access to the decision on what the status
 * of a flow should be.  For example, if some condition that's stored in the 
 * database indicates that the job should stop for a manual check, a decider
 * implementation could check that value to determine the status of the flow. 
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @since 2.0
public interface JobExecutionDecider {

	 * Strategy for branching an execution based on the state of an ongoing
	 * {@link JobExecution}. The return value will be used as a status to
	 * determine the next step in the job.
	 * @param jobExecution a job execution
	 * @param stepExecution the latest step execution (may be null)
	 * @return the exit status code
	FlowExecutionStatus decide(JobExecution jobExecution, StepExecution stepExecution);


2. "decision" tag

"decision" tag specify the decider to use as well as all of the transitions Example:

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Spring Batch – Programmatic Flow Decision

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Spring Batch - Programmatic Flow Decision » grokonez
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