Most of us are familiar with Twitter. But we are not much familiar that we can automate the activities like status posting, retweeting, liking, commenting and so on. So,here I’ll show you how we can automate some of the activities like getting the twitter data,posting the status and retweeting with Node.js and a npm package called Twit.

And we ll deploy the project to github and heroku and keep it running…Let’s start by signing in to a twitter developer section, You’ll get insight of creating a developer account and will be able to Create an app where you will get the following keys:

consumer_key : 'key',
consumer_secret : 'key',
access_token : 'key',
access_token_secret : 'key'

Project structure:

          |--botget.js //not needed for deployment
          |--botpost.js //not needed for deployment

#bot #twitter-api #nodejs #twitter #nlp #api #programming

Deploying Twitter Bot to Heroku
1.95 GEEK