Get organized in 2021! Learn how to use Microsoft To Do to get organized and never forget a task! I’ll show you how to organize and keep track of your tasks using the Microsoft To Do App. You can access To Do from the web from (It’s available for free) or download the Desktop app from the Microsoft Store. You can can also download the mobile app and track your to-dos on the go.​
I’ll show you how to use Microsoft To Do to track your progress on important projects as well as daily and weekly tasks. How to create recurring tasks, organize your day and create lists to group different tasks together. I’ll also show you how To Do integrates with Outlook. How to create a To Do task in Outlook and keep track of flagged emails. You’ll also learn some To Do tips and tricks such as important shortcuts and how to use the “My Day” view.
Microsoft To Do is also a great option for former users of Wunderlist.

Learning how to be an organized person will help you plan and achieve more. Keeping your tasks in one place gives you a better overview and reduces your stress levels.


  • 00:00 Keep Track of your Tasks with Microsoft To Do
  • 01:21 Difference between Microsoft To Do and Planner
  • 01:43 How to Get Microsoft To Do
  • 02:26 How to Create a Task in To Do
  • 04:07 Create a List of Tasks in To Do
  • 05:14 Change Attributes for Tasks
  • 05:34 How to Set a Theme in To Do
  • 05:56 Add Hashtags to Your Tasks in To Do
  • 06:43 Assigned and Planned Tasks
  • 07:36 How to use My Day
  • 09:10 Track Flagged Email in To Do
  • 09:59 Create Tasks from Email in To Do
  • 11:28 Advanced Settings in To Do
  • 12:15 Share Lists with Others and Assign Tasks
  • 13:00 Wrap up

#developer #microsoft

How to Use Microsoft To Do & Get Organized!
2.15 GEEK