There is a wide variety of data on the Internet that we can use however we want. Programmatic access to this data is often difficult, however, unless it is provided via a dedicated REST API. But with a Node.js tool like jsdom we can scrape and parse this data directly from the web pages in order to use it for our projects and applications.

An example of this would be MIDI data, which we need to train a neural network to generate music in the classic Nintendo style. To do this, we first need MIDI files with music from old Nintendo games. With jsdom we can get this data from the Video Game Music Archive.

1. Preparatory tasks and setting up dependencies

2. Retrieving data for use in jsdom using Got

3. Using CSS Selectors with jsdom

4. Filtering HTML elements

5. Download the desired MIDI files from the website

6. The endless expanse of the World Wide Web

#jsdom #node.js #html #web scraping

Web Scraping und Parsen von HTML in Node.js mit jsdom
1.20 GEEK