The plan

We will be using HttpKit to access the GitHub API and pull down information about an organization’s repositories. We will then leverage Clojure’s built in features to manipulate and explore the collection. For now, we won’t attempt anything asynchronous or complicated — we can leave that for a future post :)

Getting started

In some new directory, I created a deps.edn file with the following dependencies:

	 {http-kit {:mvn/version "2.5.0"}
	  org.clojure/data.json {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}
	  org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "1.3.610"}}}

Then we can fire up a clj REPL in the same directory as the deps.edn file:

❯ clj

Clojure 1.10.1

And require (paste in) our dependencies in the REPL:

(require '[org.httpkit.client :as http])
	(require '[ :as json])
	(require '[clojure.string :as str])

Quick Map Reminder

Keys in maps are also functions, which allows us to access key-values from a map very succinctly. Say we define a map called test-map with :error and :status properties. We could access the property :status like so:

(def test-map {:error nil :status 200}) ;=> #'user/test-map
	(get test-map :status)                  ;=> 200

#programming #functional-programming #api #clojure

A gentle intro to Clojure
1.35 GEEK