Flutter Quote Generator: A Package for Creating Custom Quotes

The Quote Generator App is an application that allows you to create quotes, add the author's name, and customize the style of the quote text. You can add spacing between words and letters, make it bold, and change the text font. Additionally, you have the option to mark a quote as a favorite, copy the quote text to the clipboard, and share it with other users. It also includes a feature that enables users to download the quote as an image.


  • Flutter & Dart 💙
  • Clean Architecture
  • Riverpod for State Management
  • GoRoute for Navigation
  • SQLite for local database
  • Firebase
  • Shared Preferences
  • Dark & Light Mode
  • Google Sign for login
  • Internationalization (English & Portuguese)
  • And much more ...

Production-Level implementations


  • Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/IsaiasCuvula/quote_generator


  • Add Firebase to the project
  • And then you can use the normal build & run procedure

flutter pub get flutter run


The App is Under Construction ...

iPhone13Mockup1 iPhone13Mockup5 iPhone13Mockup2 iPhone13Mockup3 iPhone13Mockup6 

Download details:

Author: codegenius1017
Source: https://github.com/codegenius1017/flutter-quote_generator

License: MIT license

#flutter #dart 

Flutter Quote Generator: A Package for Creating Custom Quotes
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