A step-by-step guide to setting up PostgreSQL and keeping the data on your localhost across container stops, starts, and rebuilds

I’m back. After a long and grueling 2020 and not writing for over a year, I’m back.

I’ve launched a new software startup and I’m off to the races building a new product that I hope will be successful. Along the way, I’m going to be learning new things, trying out different technologies and different ways to do things, and sharing them here as I go.

With a background in LAMP stack development, I’ve relied for many years on using MySQL as the foundation of my application data. This past year, I’ve explored the benefits of switching to PostgreSQL (aka Postgres). As part of that, I’ve got some really simple instructions to set up Postgres in a Docker container with persistent data so you don’t lose anything between container starts, stops, reboots, etc.

Let’s go!

#docker #postgresql

How To Run PostgreSQL in a Docker Container on MacOS
1.25 GEEK