Top 34 most popular JavaScript repositories at GitHub in March’19

Oh! There’s so much I’d like to share with you! Since the last digest I issued in February, web developers literally went crazy and brought to life so many amazing JS projects that I could hardly gather them all together. Today you will explore modular JavaScript file uploader, an audio library, Git History VSCode extension, JS Acceleration library, queue package, the utility for resizeable split views and many other cool open source JavaScript GitHub repositories worth your attention!

Here I am with the most interesting

Monthly most popular JavaScript repositories:

  1. Uppy is a modular JavaScript file uploader that integrates seamlessly with any application. 15,732 stars by now.
  2. Howler.js is an audio library for the modern web. It defaults to Web Audio API and falls back to HTML5 Audio to make working with audio in JavaScript easy and reliable across all platforms. 13,744 stars by now.
  3. Ink brings React for CLIs. Build and test your CLI output using components. Ink’s goal is to provide the same component-based UI building experience that React provides, but for command-line apps. 9,963 stars by now.
  4. GIt History is a VSCode extension that helps you to quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository. 9,811 stars by now.
  5. GPU.js is a JS Acceleration library for GPGPU (General purpose computing on GPUs) in JavaScript. GPU.js will automatically compile simple JavaScript functions into shader language and run them on the GPU. 8,458 stars by now.
  6. Fuse.js is a lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript, with zero dependencies. 7,813 stars by now.
  7. Motrix is a full-featured download manager that supports downloading HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent, Magnet, Baidu Net Disk, etc. 5,684 stars by now.
  8. Buefy is a lightweight library of responsive UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma framework and design. 5,057 stars by now.
  9. Bull is a queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in Node.js. 5,044 stars by now.
  10. Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server. 4,657 stars by now.
  11. x-spreadsheet is a web-based JavaScript spreadsheet. 4,512 stars by now.
  12. ora is a terminal spinner. 4,442 stars by now.
  13. Zero is a web framework for modern web development. It allows you to build your application without worrying about package management or routing. 3,948 stars by now.
  14. Split.js is a2kb unopinionated utility for resizeable split views (also called panes or frames). Split.js is CSS-driven, only using JS to recalculate CSS styles on drag. 3,773 stars by now.
  15. vue-appllo is a library that integrates Apollo in your Vue components with declarative queries. Compatible with Vue 1.0+ and 2.0+. 3,406stars by now.
  16. Dumper.js is a better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications. 2,562 stars by now.
  17. Gridsome is a Vue-powered static site generator for building CDN-ready websites for any headless CMS, local files or APIs. My colleague made a review for this tool last week. 2,389 stars by now.
  18. Opentype.js is a JavaScript parser and writer for TrueType and OpenType fonts. It gives you access to the letterforms of text from the browser or Node.js. 2,325 stars by now.
  19. NLP.js is a library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more. 2,210 stars by now.
  20. AutoCannon is a HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node, greatly inspired by wrk and wrk2, with support for HTTP pipelining and HTTPS. 2,208 stars by now.
  21. he (for ‘HTML entities’) is a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. It supports all standardized named character references as per HTML, handles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases. 1,967 stars by now.
  22. ms is a tiny millisecond conversion utility. It works both in Node.js and in the browser. 1,944 stars by now.
  23. eleventy is a static site generator alternative to Jekyll. It transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. 1,846 stars by now.
  24. Mercury Parser is a tool for extracting content. It allows you to easily create custom parsers using simple JavaScript and CSS selectors. 1,589stars by now.
  25. Qoa is a library with minimal interactive command-line prompts. It enables you to receive various types of user input through a set of intuitive, interactive and verbose command-line prompts. The library utilizes a simple and minimal usage syntax and contains 7 configurable console interfaces, such as plain text, confirmation and password/secret prompts as well as single keypress, quiz and multiple-choice navigable menus. 1,567 stars by now.
  26. Fast-cli is a test for your download and upload speed using 1,532 stats by now.
  27. cherow is a lightweight, standards-compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability. 1,425 stars by now.
  28. @pika/pack is a set of plugins for npm package building. 1,392 stars by now.
  29. TypeIt is a versatile JavaScript typewriter effect utility. It has flexible configuration to type single or multiple strings that break lines, delete and replace each other, easily handle string containing HTML, loop, and a whole lot more. 1,310 stats by now.
  30. autoNumeric is a standalone library that provides live as-you-type formatting for international numbers and currencies. 1,046 stars by now.
  31. Marble.js is a functional reactive HTTP framework built on top of Node.js platform, TypeScript and RxJS. 990 stars by now.
  32. Notion is a hassle-free way to manage your JavaScript command-line tools. 721 stars by now.
  33. React-Calendar for picking days, months, years, or even decades for React apps. It supports range selection and any language. No moment.js needed 610 stars by now.
  34. FrenchKiss.js is a lightweight i18n library written in JavaScript, working both in the browser and NodeJS environments. It provides a simple and really fast solution for handling internationalization. 557stars by now.

Stay tuned! I hope these repositories will make a difference in your work!

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Top 34 most popular JavaScript repositories at GitHub in March’19
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