JavaScript is a high-level programming language, which is currently the language of the web. Both front-end and back-end development can be conducted with this one language. With the development of current websites and an increase in demand for design and simplicity, frameworks were developed. They allow programmers to make beautiful websites much faster and that’s why they are preferred over directly writing in JS.

Selecting a JavaScript framework can be rather challenging and confusing, especially without any prior knowledge in them. There is actually quite a large number of frameworks and we will only talk about the three of the most popular ones, which are generally considered best developed. In this article, I will go over their differences as well as the similarities and what you have to consider before selecting one over another. I will keep it as short and to the point as possible so let’s begin.

Making a decision

First and foremost, there is no need to overthink the choice of the initial framework. Learning one of them will make it easier to learn others. Additionally, you will not only learn the features specific to that framework but also the general concepts applicable to each one of them and web development in general(designing and developing components, understanding the data flow, managing states and templates, and many more). Keeping that in mind, let’s look at each one of the frameworks in more detail.

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Vue vs. React vs. Angular: Which JavaScript Framework is Right for You
2.30 GEEK