In a previous post, I wrote about  self-destructing tweets which runs as an AWS Lambda function every night at midnight.

While that post was about the code itself, most of the AWS CDK infrastructure information had been written in a previous post about  sending a serverless Slack message which demonstrated how to run an AWS Lambda on a cron timer.

Today’s post will be a short overview that bridges these together: it shows how I bundled the TypeScript code from the Twitter post with node modules and prepare it for deployment.

The Folder Structure

I am making assumptions here. The most “complex” set up I normally have for Lambdas is to write them in TypeScript and use Babel for transpilation.

Given this will be a familiar standing for most, let’s work with that.

#aws #javascript #typescript #webpack #lambda

Webpack 5 Builds for AWS Lambda Functions with TypeScript
16.10 GEEK