Data structures and algorithms are the two fundamental pillars of computer science. Data structures are ways of organizing data so that it can be easily accessed and manipulated. Algorithms are procedures for solving problems.

Data structures are used to store and organize data in a way that makes it efficient to access and manipulate. Some common data structures include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees.

📕 Top 15 Data Structures and Algorithms Books for Every Developer

Algorithms are used to solve problems. Some common algorithms include sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, and graph algorithms.

Data structures and algorithms are essential for any programmer who wants to write efficient and reliable code. They are also used in a wide variety of applications, such as web development, game development, and machine learning.

In this course, we learn the essential data structures and algorithms in Python in this comprehensive video tutorial.

0:00 start
4:39 Let's Start DS and Algo 
5:18 Algorithmic Complexity
21:31 How to calculate order of growth
45:53 Complexity Classes
55:42 Time Complexity Practice Questions
1:32:29 What is Data Structure?
1:37:43 Liner vs Non- Linera Data Structure
1:39:11 Array and it's Disadvantages
1:42:36 Refrential Arrays
1:47:31 Dynamic Array
1:51:45 Python List are dynamic arrays

1:55:19 Creating our own list
2:01:21 - Adding len functionality to our list class
2:02:59 - Adding append function
2:13:24 - Adding print functionality
2:16:47 - fetch item using index
2:20:07- adding pop
2:23:52 - adding clear()
2:25:35 - Searching an item in an array
2:28:25 Inserting item in an array - middle
2:37:34 Deleting item form an array
2:44:47 Removing Item by value

2:49:52 Intro To Linked List
03:00:45 Intro To Linked List -( New)
03:08:06 How to create node of #linkedlists
03:14:08 Creating an empty linked list
03:17:03 Finding length of a linked list
03:18:18 Insert form Head 
03:24:40 Traversing a linked list
03:31:11 Insert form tail
03:41:39 Inserting in the middle
03:53:27 Empty the linked list
03:55:20 Deleting from head
03:58:20 Deleting from tail
04:07:02 Delete By Value
04:19:12 Searching a node in Linked List
04:22:24 Find node by index position
04:24:58 Arrays vs Linked List
04:27:02 Practice Recursion ii MCQs
04:33:55 Replace Maximum Item
04:38:37 Sum Odd Position
04:42:04 Linked List inplace reversal
04:53:37 Linked List String Pattern Problem

05:06:27 What is Stack
05:11:37 Stack Using Linked List
05:22:26 Stack String Reverse Theory
05:26:24 Stack Reverse Code
05:30:40 Stack Undo redo
05:35:29 Stack Undo redo Code
05:38:42 Stack Bracket Problem Theory
05:46:02 Celebrity Problem Code
05:55:37 Celebrity Problem Stack Theory
06:07:00 Stack Array Implantation

06:20:53 Queue Implementation
06:38:36 Queue Using 2 Stack
06:43:24 Que Recursion MCQs

06:46:14 Hashing Intution
07:03:26 Collisions in Hashing
07:33:44 Jashing in Python with Linear Probing
08:11:37 Hashing Using Chaining part-1
08:46:03 Hashing and load factor
09:07:27 Hashing deleting accessing traversing

09:24:04 Linear Search
09:28:11 Binary Search

09:41:23 Weird sorting algo
09:51:19 Bubble Sort
10:25:12 Selection Sort
10:57:11 Merge Sort

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