Learn how to implement your very own license plate recognition using a custom YOLOv4 Object Detector, OpenCV, and Tesseract OCR! In this tutorial I will walk-through custom code I have created to run object detections to find license plates, crop the license plate region, preprocess the license plate using OpenCV, and then run it through Tesseract OCR to output the license plate number. The backbone of this code is TensorFlow and it is written in Python.

This video covers the implementation of a custom YOLOv4 model to detect license plates and numerous preprocessing techniques such as blurring, thresholding, dilation, finding contours, and character segmentation. All of these are done in order to properly prepare the license plate in order for Tesseract OCR to extract the license plate text.

GET THE CODE HERE: https://github.com/theAIGuysCode/yolov4-custom-functions

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License Plate Recognition Using YOLOv4 Object Detection, OpenCV, and Tesseract OCR
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