How to make the project clean over time

The happiness of a development team is directly proportional to the stability, cleanliness, and architecture of the project

When a project is maintained by a team, the Team Lead has the responsibility to keep it clean and safe, avoiding breaking tests, different code styles, and other bad practices that will make your project badly organized and error-prone over time.

To accomplish this goal we can use two approaches:

  • Manually checks: merging to the main branch only the reviewed PRs (pull requests).
  • Automatic checks: using a CI (Continuous integration) service like GH actions, CircleCI, i.e.

Those two methods help us to keep the application healthy for each PR avoiding merging code that is not in keeping with the application style guide.

Before understanding how we can automate the process using a CI, we should choose the instruments to make our project solid and well-maintained.

CI-related React belt kit

Here there are the libraries that I usually use to build a new React application:

  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • Codecov

#development #testing #github-actions #architecture #react

Strengthen a React Application with Github and GitHub Actions
1.65 GEEK