CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid are very powerful layout functions. These are already supported by all modern browsers except for IE 11. Unlike properties for styling (for examplecolor and border), these are properties for building a layout structure. In other words, it is not used to beautify the surface of HTML elements but is used to create a foundation of application UI in cooperation with the hierarchical structure of HTML elements.

In Angular, it is common for a view of a component to be divided into template HTML and stylesheet CSS. Since the layout using Flexbox or Grid is closely related to the structure of HTML, it is not convenient that the layout settings are written in an external CSS file. So, it is a clever choice to define Flexbox and Grid settings in template HTML.

Does it mean we should use inline style attributes? No!
This article explains how to use the Angular Flex-Layout module to build flexbox layout in Angular templates and its hidden features.

#angular #css #flexbox #grid #web-development

Angular Flex-Layout: Flexbox and Grid Layout for Angular Component
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