
Some of my friends were saying, my mobile phone didn’t hack and I am doing a prank. Then before you read my hacking story, I want to give you a disclaimer that it’s not a prank or fake story, and everything you will read it’s based on my real-life experience. If you think it’s fake then you can happily close the window. But there are some tips mentioned in this story which you must read because that could prevent your device from this kind of hacking.

Muzamil Shahbaz mobile phone got hacked

First Attack

If you think only celebrities get a hacking attack then change your mind because the victim can be anyone. So in February 2019, I started a blog with the name GeekDirector, surprisingly I consider it my first startup with no social media presence. But anyhow, I was the only one who was writing blogs on it, and unfortunately, I was able to write only four articles. After six months, I opened my blog and it was approved with Google Adsense. I was very happy because the earnings on it had been started.

After some days, my Google Account was hacked and the hacker deleted my blog and Adsense account. It was a very depressing situation for me. Fortunately, I downloaded the backup file of my blog in my system but my earnings were gone. I was not able to recover my Adsense account because Google has a policy that you can’t create more than one Adsense account. However, I was contacting Google for the recovery but all in vain. In the meantime, I started a new startup, a digital marketing agency, with some people. But It was not giving me pleasure.

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My Mobile Phone Got Hacked and Here Is How You Can Protect Yourself
1.35 GEEK