We create lots of Python programs per day and want to share them with the world. It is not that you share that Python program with everyone, and they will run this script in some IDLE shell.

But you want everyone to run your Python script without the installation of Python. So for this work, you can convert the .py file to .exe file.

In this video, you will learn how you can convert .py file to .exe file. Follow the below steps for the same.

Step 1:
📌Install the library pyinstaller.
Type below command in the command prompt.

📌pip install pyinstaller

Step 2:
📌Go into the directory where your ‘.py’ file is located.

Step 3:
📌Press the shift (⇧) button and simultaneously right-click at the same location.

Step 4:
📌Click on ‘Open PowerShell window here’.

Step 5:
📌Type the command given below in that PowerShell window.

📌pyinstaller --onefile -w ‘filename.py

📌Replace the filename as your program filename

Step 6:
📌After typing the command ‘Hit the Enter’.

Step 7:
📌Open the ‘dist’ folder above. Here you will get your ‘.exe’ file.

Source Code & Link:

# Python program to create a 
# GUI mark sheet using tkinter 

# Import tkinter as tk 
import tkinter as tk 

# creating a new tkinter window 
master = tk.Tk() 

# assigning a title 

# specifying geomtery for window size 

# declaring objects for entering data 
e1 = tk.Entry(master) 
e2 = tk.Entry(master) 
e3 = tk.Entry(master) 
e4 = tk.Entry(master) 
e5 = tk.Entry(master) 
e6 = tk.Entry(master) 
e7 = tk.Entry(master) 

# function to display the total subject 
# credits total credits and SGPA according 
# to grades entered 
def display(): 
	# Varibale to store total marks 
	# 10*number of subject credits 
	# give total credits for grade A 
	if e4.get() == "A": 
		# grid method is used for placing 
		# the widgets at respective positions 
# in table like structure . 
		tk.Label(master, text ="40").grid(row=3, column=4) 
		tot += 40
	# 9*number of subject credits give 
	# total credits for grade B 
	if e4.get() == "B": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="36").grid(row=3, column=4) 
		tot += 36
	# 8*number of subject credits give 
	# total credits for grade C 
	if e4.get() == "C": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="32").grid(row=3, column=4) 
		tot += 32
	# 7*number of subject credits 
	# give total credits for grade D	 
	if e4.get() == "D": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="28").grid(row=3, column=4) 
		tot += 28
	# 6*number of subject credits give 
	# total credits for grade P	 
	if e4.get() == "P": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="24").grid(row=3, column=4) 
		tot += 24
	# 0*number of subject credits give 
	# total credits for grade F	 
	if e4.get() == "F": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="0").grid(row=3, column=4) 
		tot += 0

	# Similarly doing with other objects 
	if e5.get() == "A": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="40").grid(row=4, column=4) 
		tot += 40
	if e5.get() == "B": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="36").grid(row=4, column=4) 
		tot += 36
	if e5.get() == "C": 
	tk.Label(master, text ="32").grid(row=4, column=4) 
		tot += 32
	if e5.get() == "D": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="28").grid(row=4, column=4) 
		tot += 28
	if e5.get() == "P": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="28").grid(row=4, column=4) 
		tot += 24
	if e5.get() == "F": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="0").grid(row=4, column=4) 
		tot += 0

	if e6.get() == "A": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="30").grid(row=5, column=4) 
		tot += 30
	if e6.get() == "B": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="27").grid(row=5, column=4) 
		tot += 27
	if e6.get() == "C": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="24").grid(row=5, column=4) 
		tot += 24
	if e6.get() == "D": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="21").grid(row=5, column=4) 
		tot += 21
	if e6.get() == "P": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="28").grid(row=5, column=4) 
		tot += 24
	if e6.get() == "F": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="0").grid(row=5, column=4) 
		tot += 0

	if e7.get() == "A": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="40").grid(row=6, column=4) 
		tot += 40
	if e7.get() == "B": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="36").grid(row=6, column=4) 
		tot += 36
	if e7.get() == "C": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="32").grid(row=6, column=4) 
		tot += 32
	if e7.get() == "D": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="28").grid(row=6, column=4) 
		tot += 28
	if e7.get() == "P": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="28").grid(row=6, column=4) 
		tot += 24
	if e7.get() == "F": 
		tk.Label(master, text ="0").grid(row=6, column=4) 
		tot += 0

	# to display total credits 
	tk.Label(master, text=str(tot)).grid(row=7, column=4) 
	# to display SGPA 
	tk.Label(master, text=str(tot/15)).grid(row=8, column=4) 

# end of display function 

# label to enter name 
tk.Label(master, text="Name").grid(row=0, column=0) 

# label for registration number 
tk.Label(master, text="Reg.No").grid(row=0, column=3) 

# label for roll Number 
tk.Label(master, text="Roll.No").grid(row=1, column=0) 

# labels for serial numbers 
tk.Label(master, text="Srl.No").grid(row=2, column=0) 
tk.Label(master, text="1").grid(row=3, column=0) 
tk.Label(master, text="2").grid(row=4, column=0) 
tk.Label(master, text="3").grid(row=5, column=0) 
tk.Label(master, text="4").grid(row=6, column=0) 

# labels for subject codes 
tk.Label(master, text="Subject").grid(row=2, column=1) 
tk.Label(master, text="CS 201").grid(row=3, column=1) 
tk.Label(master, text="CS 202").grid(row=4, column=1) 
tk.Label(master, text="MA 201").grid(row=5, column=1) 
tk.Label(master, text="EC 201").grid(row=6, column=1) 

# label for grades 
tk.Label(master, text="Grade").grid(row=2, column=2) 
e4.grid(row=3, column=2) 
e5.grid(row=4, column=2) 
e6.grid(row=5, column=2) 
e7.grid(row=6, column=2) 

# labels for subject credits 
tk.Label(master, text="Sub Credit").grid(row=2, column=3) 
tk.Label(master, text="4").grid(row=3, column=3) 
tk.Label(master, text="4").grid(row=4, column=3) 
tk.Label(master, text="3").grid(row=5, column=3) 
tk.Label(master, text="4").grid(row=6, column=3) 

tk.Label(master, text="Credit obtained").grid(row=2, column=4) 

# taking entries of name, reg, roll number respectively 

# organizing them in th e grid 
e1.grid(row=0, column=1) 
e2.grid(row=0, column=4) 
e3.grid(row=1, column=1) 

# button to display all the calculated credit scores and sgpa 
button1=tk.Button(master, text="submit", bg="green", command=display) 
button1.grid(row=8, column=1) 

tk.Label(master, text="Total credit").grid(row=7, column=3) 
tk.Label(master, text="GPA").grid(row=8, column=3) 


Link - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12PAKMszTdXWfLaHGqFODmy_5-YTI0BI7 

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#python #exe

How to Convert any Python File to EXE | Convert PY to EXE
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