The main goal of this blog is to explain the “Architecture of Nodejs” and to know how the Nodejs works behind the scenes,

Generally, most of the server-side languages, like PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby, and including Nodejs follows multi-threaded architecture. That means for each client-side request initiates a new thread or even a new process.

In Nodejs, all those requests from the clients are handled in a single-thread using shared resources concurrently as It follows the “Single-Threaded Event Loop Model”.



Event-Loop programming is a flow control in an application-defined by events. The basic principle of Nodejs’s event-driven loop is implementing a central mechanism that hears for events and calls the callback function once an event is turning up.

Nodejs is an event-loop that implements a run-time environment model to achieve non-blocking asynchronous behavior runs on Google Chrome’s V8 engine.

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Decoding Nodejs
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