Are you looking for a resource for your visitors to get in touch with you on your website? You came to the right place. I’m here to explain how to add a pretty nifty contact form to your React website with a couple of easy steps. Before I do that though, let me show you some reasons why this article will benefit you.

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Courtesy of WPForms Blogs…You can view the full article here

Yuck, who likes spam? Obviously, it is easy to just print an email on a website, but now you know why it’s important to add a contact form even if it is a bit more complex. A couple other reasons: they look really cool and fancy, it provides visitors the simplest way to give feedback, and they really aren’t that difficult to implement. I’m going to use a couple different resources for this article.

Semantics UI React — this is the component framework I will use to build the form. Feel free to build a custom form or use a different framework.

EmailJs — this will be used to handle sending the emails from the website to your desired email address. As long as you’re not receiving +200 emails/month it’s free!

Sweetalert2 — this will be used to give the visitors a nice alert when things went smoothly or poorly. Again, feel free to use a regular alert or a different library if you desire.

The first step is to sign up for EmailJs. It’s free so don’t worry.

#react #emailjs #forms #sweetalert #semantic-ui

Get Connected With Others By Adding a Contact Form to Your React Site
1.40 GEEK