10 Best Date Picker Libraries For Angular.js App

1. Mydaterangepicker

Highly configurable Angular date range picker. Compatible Angular2+.Angular 2+ date range picker

Demo: https://kekeh.github.io/mydaterangepicker/


2.Angular Moment Picker

Angular Moment Picker

Angular Moment Picker is a native AngularJS directive for date and time picker that uses Moment.js and does not require jQuery.

Demo: http://indrimuska.github.io/angular-moment-picker/

"Angular Moment Picker"

3.Angular Bootstrap Datetimepicker

Angular 8+ bootstrap date & time picker

Native Angular (8+) datetime picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap 4.

Demo: http://dalelotts.github.io/angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker/

"Angular Bootstrap Datetimepicker"

4.Angular Datepicker

Date Picker
This is a configurable date-picker build for Angular applications.
Supports latest (Angular 9) version. For older versions please checkout CHANGELOG.md file.

Demo: https://vlio20.github.io/angular-datepicker/

"Angular Datepicker"

5.Angular Mydatepicker

Angular datepicker and date range picker 📅
Screenshots using predefined styles and the markDates option. The predefined styles and some of the options can be tested here.

Demo: https://kekeh.github.io/angular-mydatepicker/

"Angular Mydatepicker"

6.Angular Daterangepicker

Date Range Picker for Angular and Bootstrap .Angular.js directive for Dan Grossmans’s Bootstrap Datepicker.

"Angular Daterangepicker"

7.Saturn Datepicker

Material range datepicker .This is patched version of Material Datepicker for Angular with range selection support. I created this repository and this package due to it takes a lot of time to contribute to material2 repository: Issue #4763 in material2 repo from 2017-present.

"Saturn Datepicker"

8.Date Time Picker

Angular date time picker - Angular reusable UI component This package supports Angular 8

Simple Angular date time picker. Online doc is here, Online demo(StackBlitz) is here. This picker is responsive design, so feel free to try it in your desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

"Date Time Picker"

9.Ngx Daterangepicker Material

Pure Angular 2+ date range picker with material design theme, a demo here:
This Angular Material plugin is compatible with Angular 2+ and is Ivy compatible. It leverages moment.js to handle date manipulation and parsing. The base for this plugin was originally the Bootstrap Date Range Picker, but its dependencies on jQuery and Bootstrap were removed. Angular Material themes are fully supported since v3.0.0, so you can just drop this component into an existing Material project and it will blend right into your application.

"Ngx Daterangepicker Material"


Angular Material Date Picker, DateTime Picker, Date Range Picker, Date Time range picker


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10 Best Date Picker Libraries For Angular.js App
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