“Software testing” defined as the variety of methods, tools, and practices used to justify that a software application works at many different levels or not. In the Automated Testing, all of us do some sort of software testing (either it is manual or ad hoc, e.g., refreshing a webpage after making a change to verify the code you just wrote works). In this blog post, I will try to discuss some concepts about testing in DevOps, and give a high-level overview of the different ways that software can be tested, and how continuous testing is different from automated testing.

Software Testing with automation testing is one of the critical phases of the software development lifecycle. Software testing involves testing various real-life conditions and matching the actual result with the expected result. It ensures that the developed software/application serves the intended purpose. An application can be tested with the intention of finding bugs. It helps to check the stability of the product. You also learn more about Contract Testing for Microservices.

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