What is Bitcicoin (BITCI) | What is Bitcicoin coin | What is BITCI coin

What is Bitcicoin? (BITCI)

BITCI coin is the main coin of Bitcichain blockchain. Bitcichain is private proof of Authourty (PoA) Blockchain Network. Bitcichain is design to provide blockchain solutions businesses. Every single token project is backed by realworld businesses. sports club, constrcution companies, energy companies etc.Every new business who joins the bitcichain network gets a private node to keep the blockchain decentralised. Most of the blockchain projects covers online and fintech solutions. Any businesses who wants to be on Bitcichain has to have physical real word assets. Energy company with energy plants, construction company with constructad estates, Sportclubs with players and teams etc.

BITCI is native utilty token that is used for;

  • Fees for processing transactions
  • Fast transfer in Bitci ecosystem between Bitcipay and other Bitci platforms

Blockchain Solutions For Companies

Cryptocurrency Payment System - BitciPAY

Today’s Financial Technology is blockchain that enables crypto money, to be used as a payment method by businesses and clients. Bitci Pay easily adapts to the cash registers and mobile devices, it offers a faster, safer and more convenient payment platform than the usual payment methods, while offering the business the option to receive payments in cryptocurrencies or Fiat. Businesses who wants their payments as Fiat, crypto payments from clients are automatically converted to Fiat by Bitci Pay.

Loyalty Program – Bitci Loyalty

Bitci Loyalty provides loyalty program using Bitci Chain infrastructure. Tokens created for the brand can be distributed as a discount, campaign and gift to the clients. What makes this system different from the usual loyalty programs is that they can be converted into different tokens or even Fiat as they are independent brand tokens.

Supply Chain- Bitci Supply

Bitci Supply records the supply chain data in energy, logistics, etc. using Bitci Chain infrastructure, so that it can be seen by authorized units or everyone when requested, but the data recorded cannot be changed or altered by anyone. Bitci Supply allows the companies and countries to be viewed independently in the supply chain, while eliminating infrastructure differences, low speed, scalability problems, high cost of servers and maintenance.

White Label Crypto Exchange Solutions – CED

It provides 24/7 infrastructure support, liquidity pool, a personalized interface and an advanced admin panel to individuals and institutions that want to establish a cryptocurrency exchange. White label cryptocurrency exchange allows individual and institutions to have total control over their exchanges. The most important difference of CED’s stock market infrastructure is the first stock market infrastructure technology in the world that presents the personalized, realized and unrealized profit / loss charts on a single screen for all of the holdings of a client.

Smart Contracts – Bitci Dapps

Smart contracts are employable on Bitci Chain which can provide the requirements of each sector and business model. Bitci Chain deploys a special Dapp for the company by evaluating its requirements with the company requesting smart contracts. Dapps can be single-use for each application or they can work indefinitely in repeated applications.

Brand Token Service for Companies

Companies or individuals can collaborate with Bitci Chain for their projects to create brand tokens on the Bitci Chain. Every small or large business can receive direct payments from its clients with a special brand tokens. While companies can give these tokens a Fiat equivalent, they determine their application areas. Ex. Prepaid shopping system with brand token in the market chain, listing it on an exchange as a security token or for crowdfundings.

BITCI tools

What is BitciPAY?

BitciPay is First National Crypto to Fiat payment getaway. Bitci Pay token transfer services runs on Bitcichain which provides fast-scalable-secure transaction over bitcichain ecosystem.

Who are the founders?

Bticichain devoloped by Bitci Technology which is established in 2018 under a Holdings Company Cagdas Holding in Bodrum/Turkey.Bitci Technology is a blockahin development and research company. There are 21 developers, 9 digital marketing employees and 5 executive officers working in house.

Projects of Bitci Technology;

  • Ethereum mining farms
  • Bitci.com (National Crypto currency Exchange with Fiat integration.)
  • Bitcichain (First National Blockchain with an Exchange and payment platform integration developed for tokenization of businesses)
  • BitciPay (First National Crypto to Fiat payment getaway)

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What is Bitcicoin (BITCI) | What is Bitcicoin coin | What is BITCI coin
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