• By the end of 2021, 80% of enterprises globally will put a mechanism in place to shift to cloud.

With digital resilience becoming a key factor for business excellence, more and more enterprises are looking for seamless migration of their legacy systems, servers and databases to the cloud.

Many consultants are helping businesses figure out which cloud vendor and tools are right for their needs. According to IDC, by the end of 2021, 80% of enterprises globally will put a mechanism in place to shift to cloud infrastructure and applications twice as fast as before the pandemic.

List reasons

The first thing companies should ask themselves is if cloud migration is necessary. For that, businesses should jot down the key reasons why they are making the switch. They should find out if the benefits offered by the cloud suits their use cases better than their on-premise setup. Will it help in better communication between remotely working employees? Will it guarantee better security? Will it reduce the cost? The answer to many such questions will help them choose the right cloud provider.

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A Checklist For Companies Before Migrating To Cloud
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