Exporting files is a frequently happen feature where the user could get their data out. As the backend side, my Django app could help me export a docx file by using a library named python-docx.

Install python-docx and get basic knowledgeInstall python-docx is super simple with one command:

pip install python-docx

If you are working on docker and have a requirement.txt file where you add all your libs on it, don’t forget to add “python-docx” version to it.You could get exactly the version installed by calling the command “pip freeze” to get the list of libs name and version, then find out the python-docx one.


Before going into detail about the way we create a view to export docx file by python-docx. It’s will help if you could take a look at the official document of python-docx first.

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Export docx file with python-docx in Django app
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