Create a CI/CD workflow for a SpringBoot Application deployed to Kubernetes using Skaffold. Find out more!

It is a known fact that developing applications with Kubernetes is cumbersome. That is why an ecosystem is being developed around it so that developers can focus on what matters most to them, i.e., writing code. In this article, I will be covering another tool, Skaffold, developed by Google.

So What Exactly Is Skaffold?

Skaffold handles the workflow for building, pushing, and deploying your application. -

What Problem Is it Trying to Solve?

As I said earlier, developing applications with Kubernetes is not such an easy task. That’s where Skaffold comes into play, as it eases the development and deployment of your applications running on Kubernetes. It manages the entire workflow, and you get instant feedback while developing and deploying your application locally or on a remote Kubernetes cluster.

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CI/CD Workflow for Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes via Skaffold
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