DevOps has become the go-to standard for developing software. This is due to its potential of developing high-quality software at faster rates and ensuring that customer requirements are met steadfast. DevOps standards have also been significant in flawlessly combining the functions of development and operations teams as a particular entity instead of two diverse silos. To use the numerous benefits that it can bring to the software development process, it is essential to treat DevOps as a journey and not a destination unto itself. The essentially means collecting feedback, creating benchmark and continually measuring results to track progress. Here comes the tracking metrics into focus. Let us see the top 11 devops metrics and kpi to track for measuring devops.

Know the details of DevOps at- What is Devops? | The complete guide to DevOps (With Examples)

Top 11 DevOps Metrics And KPIs-

1. Deployment Frequency-
This KPI indicates how frequently new capabilities and features are rolled out. Deployment frequency must be tracked and measured on weekly or daily basis. Organizations that are scaling up their DevOps journey to improve efficiency mostly prefer to track this metric on a daily basis. The deployment frequency should either remain consistent or keep a little but consistent upward trajectory. Any sudden dip in deployment frequency shows that DevOps processes are being obstructed by bottlenecks in the workflow. Whereas, a high frequency of deployments is considered healthy, a high failure rate or spike in deployment time is seen as a sign of issues that should be resolved.

2. Deployment Time-
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11 DevOps Metrics And KPI To Boost Results & RoI - Solace Infotech Pvt Ltd
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