Data is the new currency of our digital world. Companies and institutions all around the globe are harnessing the potential of data to radicalize conventionals systems. And governments too aren’t far behind. Today, governments of various countries have realized that to rule this technologically dominated and data-driven world they must also incorporate data within their core infrastructure.

At present, the Indian government is rapidly adopting technology, data, and policies to create a digital state unified and run by data. Leveraging the power of data in governance, the Indian government is striving to build a digitally empowered nation-state, while simultaneously promoting transparency of government operations and combating corruption. It has launched several data-oriented projects such as Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile (JAM), Bharat Net, and MyGov. The aim is to leverage data in governance to create an opportunity for better bonding between the state and its citizens.
Governments usually have access to tons of structured and trusted data sources, and hence, they can successfully implement meaningful data in governance and make it much more efficient and effective. Governments can use predictive analytics to better understand and respond to the needs of their citizens, and thereby come up with innovative solutions to overcome the nation’s challenges. For instance, the government of New Orleans used predictive analytics to identify valuable insights within data sets and created a model for a predictive assessment of risks associated with fire. Then again, the governments of New York and Boston collaborated with various housing agencies to gather relevant data. By combining this data with smart analysis, the governments were able to create solutions to prevent overcrowding of cities and provide affordable housing.

Let us now look at the ways in which the Indian government can leverage data to build a digitally aware society:

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How is Government Leveraging Data?
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