The steady uptick in serverless adoption brings benefits to developers as well as businesses at-large. With serverless, developers can focus more on delivering value, driving greater innovation, and a faster iteration of services and applications to the larger organization. This is why Red Hat is consistently updating OpenShift Serverless with new features, such as Eventing and Functions.

By leveraging serverless, we lower the barrier of Kubernetes adoption since most of its APIs target IT operations teams, not developers. OpenShift Serverless, based on the upstream Knative project, extends Kubernetes providing developer-friendly constructs, helping to solve application development problems by using modern patterns, like request-driven autoscaling and event-driven computing. The resulting applications will automatically scale up or down based on need and use, saving time and resources.

In today’s workplace, technology is no longer a bespoke novelty. Instead, it is a utility, in much the same way that electricity is for a house. Taking a serverless approach helps companies deliver on the promise of having technology be always accessible. This on-demand access to developer resources is compounded by the additional benefit of dynamic scaling, enabling applications to more rapidly meet growing (or contracting) demand. All of this is made easier with the Eventing updates in the release of OpenShift Serverless 1.11.

What is Red Hat OpenShift Serverless?

OpenShift Serverless is packaged with an Operator and extends Knative by adding Functions capabilities. Developers can create serverless applications, using Red Hat supported runtimes if they choose to do so, and package them as Linux containers, compliant with the Open Container Initiative (OCI) specification. This validates that those containers can be run anywhere on any OCI-conformant platform, anytime, regardless of which programming language those applications are written. OpenShift Serverless applications can also be integrated with other OpenShift services, such as Pipelines, Service Mesh, Monitoring, and Metering, delivering an integrated experience, ready for production.

What is new: Eventing is now GA!

With the release of Red Hat OpenShift 4.6, and OpenShift Serverless 1.11, we are introducing the General Availability of the OpenShift Serverless Eventing component. As you architect new solutions, eventing will provide the capability to build Event-Driven applications that can connect to and from a number of systems running on-premises, on the cloud, and inside or outside of Kubernetes. We recorded a short introduction to Eventing and you can watch it here.

Event-driven applications promote separation of concerns and are generally easier to deploy and scale independently, based on the triggering events. The OpenShift Serverless Eventing component provides a common infrastructure for consuming and producing events that can trigger applications. It enables powerful constructs such as Event Sources, which connect to external systems and convert those from their native formats to Cloud Events, enabling greater portability and consistency across different infrastructure regardless of wherever those events originated from.


Introducing using OpenShift Serverless for Event-driven Applications
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