This is my first KubeCon, and in the unfortunate 2020, this was all online. What I am after was The Content — and I was very much pleased.

This is seriously the best one-stop-shop for all things Kubernetes and ServiceMesh

Conference cost $75 + $20 for **ServiceMeshCon **— my area of interest.

The sheer amount of Kubernetes Cloud-native content, particularly in regards to service mesh was astounding. I have booked several days off work on this study leave, thinking I can do 2-for-1 and get Kubernetes Security Certification — which was announced as expected, done in between.

I wish. No way. “Aint nobody got time for that”. I will cover the CKS separately in another blog as I prepare to take my own exam.

#cncf #cloudnativecon #conference #kubernetes #service-mesh

My key takeaways on Cloud-Native KubeCon Conference (CNCF) 2020 thusfar
1.20 GEEK