Given a string S, the task is to check if S contains a pair of substrings of length K which are anagrams of each other and doesn’t contain the character X in them. If no such substring exists, print -1.


Input:_ S = “geeksforgeeks”, X = ‘f’, K = 5_

Output:_ geeks geeks_


Substrings “geeks” and “geeks” are anagrams of each other and does not contain ‘f’.

_Input: _S = “rotator”, X = ‘a’, K = 3

_Output: _rot tor


Substrings “rot” and “tor” are anagrams of each other and does not contain ‘a’.

#competitive programming #hash #searching #strings #anagram #frequency-counting #java-hashmap #substring

Check if a String contains Anagrams of length K
3.10 GEEK