How to Style SVG images with CSS Box Model

This tutorial will explains how the CSS Box Model works, what SVG images are and how to style SVG images with CSS Box Model

Every programmer who wants to write clean CSS and build great user interfaces should understand the CSS Box Model.

Before I understood the foundations of CSS, I would often write unnecessary styles for margins and padding.

CSS Box Model forms the basis for styling any element on a website. So understanding the concept will help you target HTML elements and write fewer lines of code that are clean and easy to maintain.

This article will teach how to target the properties of any HTML element and apply the right style. You will also learn what SVG images are and how to style them.

What is the CSS Box Model?

The CSS Box Model is the relationship between an HTML element and the spaces around it – its padding, border, and margin.

  • Padding is the space that surrounds a given HTML element
  • The border is the space that surrounds the padding
  • Margin is the space that surrounds the border

In other words, the padding surrounds the HTML element, the border encloses the padding, and the margin houses the border. The image below illustrates it all:


CSS Box Model Illustration

Now, enough of the theory – let's translate the diagram into code.

You can get your starter code here by cloning the repo.

Otherwise you'll need to create a new HTML file and copy the following code into the file (if you don't want to clone the repo or don't know how to use Git).

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Box Model Tutorial</title>
    <img src="" />

The code above is a basic HTML boiler plate. It contains a title and an img element. I got the image from w3schools.

Load the file in a browser, and you should get the following result:


Preview with margin

Notice that the image came with a default space around it. That is the default margin. Let's remove it.

Enter the following CSS into the style tag of your HTML file:

     margin: 0;

This code removes all the margins around the image. Notice that there is no longer a space between the edges of the browser and the content in the image below.


Preview without margin

Now let's get down to the main business.

Add a border with the following code:

    border: 5px solid red;

This code adds a red border around the content. The border's width is 5 pixels.


Preview with border

And add some padding with the code below:

    border: 5px solid red;
    padding: 20px;

The code above now creates a space between the content and the border. That space is called padding. It is 20 pixels wide.


Preview with padding

Type the following code to add a margin:

    border: 5px solid red;
    padding: 20px;
    margin: 20px;

You will recall that we removed the margin when we set the margin to 0px. The code above now adds our custom margin that is 20 pixels wide. It creates a space between the red border and the browser edges.


Preview with border

You can get the code for this section here or copy the code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Box Model Tutorial</title>
            margin: 0;

            border: 5px solid red;
            padding: 20px;
            margin: 20px;
    <img src="" />

The project is live here –

YESSSS! We did it. We made it!

How to Style SVG Images

Now that you understand how the CSS box model works, let's try styling an important HTML element – an SVG. It is a bit different from other elements but the principles are the same.

SVG images are lightweight resources that can help speed up your applications. This section will help you look at SVGs from a friendly perspective and build better applications.

SVG files consist of elements such as the <g> and <path> elements. You do not have to memorize them. You can inspect the SVG image in your browser to see the different parts and how you can target the element you want.

These elements have a border (represented as stroke) and background-color (fill) attributes. We will be looking into those in a bit.

You can download the SVG image for this tutorial here. And you can get the starter project here.

In the starter project, I have gone ahead and:

  1. Added the downloaded SVG file to the project directory.
  2. Created an index.html file.
  3. Copied and pasted the SVG code from the SVG file into the index.html file.
  4. Created a style.css file with the following code to center all contents:
    text-align: center;

If you run the project in a browser, you should have the following output:


Starter Project

How to Style the SVG Image

Make the Image Responsive

Change the width and height properties of the SVG element to 50% and 100vh, respectively, in the index.html file to make the image responsive like so:

        viewBox="0 -0.5 167 267"
        enable-background="new 0 -0.5 167 267"



Now, your output should be like this:


The image now takes up the whole page and it is responsive too

Looking sharp, let's move on!

How to Change the Border Color

The SVG image we are using in this tutorial contains a <g> element, <path> element, and <circle> element.

We will target the whole path and circle at once and give them border-colors and width with the following code:

    stroke: red;
    stroke-width: 2px;

    stroke: darkblue;

Check if your output matches mine below:


Stroke Added

Notice that we changed the path's border color to red with a reduced width. Then we changed the circle's border color to dark blue. How Awesome!

How to Change the Background

We could change the background color for the paths and circles as we did with the border, but let's do something different. We are going to give each path and circle different background colors.

Each path and circle has a unique id.

Let's add the following code to our styles.css file to give the path and circle different background colors with the following code:

    fill: blue;

    fill: green;

    fill: indigo;

    fill: yellow;

    fill: hotpink;

    fill: olive;

I now have a clown-like volleyball player:


Fill Added

If your clown looks like mine, then let's proceed...

How to Add a Hover Attribute

To add a hover property, add the following code to the styles.css file:

    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 10px;

    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 10px;

My output is the GIF image you see below:


Hover added

With the clown looking that way, let's do one more thing.

How to Add Achor Tags

Now we're going to wrap each path and circle with an anchor tag.

Give the anchor tag a title (represented as xlink:title) and a href (as xlink:href) attribute in the following manner:

<a xlink:title="a title" xlink:href="a url">
  <path> codes here </path>

<a xlink:title="a title" xlink:href="a url">
  <circle> codes here </circle>

Go ahead and use any title and URL of your choice. I added my social media profiles and other websites I built. Checkout mine below:

Final Result

Apart from changing the stroke width, we can see labels, and each part of the image is linked to a different website.

The xlink:title and xlink:href attributes add a label and URL individually.

All codes for this section is here. The project is live here



CSS gets a bit easier when you understand the basics. This article aimed to teach them to you.

You have learned the difference between margin and padding. You also saw how they are related. Once you understand this, moving elements around the page becomes easy. In all, use padding to move an element within its container or axis and use a margin to create space between elements.

I enjoyed dissecting that SVG image with you. You now know how to work with any SVG image that comes your way. They might differ, but the principle is understanding how their elements are named. Then you can target those elements in your styling.

Try out more SVG images and see how they come out.


#css #svg

How to Style SVG images with CSS Box Model
1.25 GEEK