In the final part of this tutorial, we create the seatmap data access, seat listing feature, shared buttons UI, and shared formatting utilities library. Finally, we compare our approach with the full Nx toolchain.

This tutorial is part of the Angular Architectural Patterns series.

In Part 4 of this tutorial, we used our generate project tool to create the check-in data access library, the check-in feature shell library, the check-in desktop application, and the mobile check-in application. We hooked everything up and reviewed how much was automated by our tool.

In this part of the tutorial, we’re going to create the seatmap data access library with NgRx feature state. We then created the seat listing feature library and hooked it up to all applications with routing. Finally, we created the shared buttons UI library and the shared formatting utilities library which we used in the seat listing component.


Seatmap data access library#

The shared seatmap feature has its own data access library. This is where we would add data services and application state management specific to the seatmap domain.

npm run generate-project -- library data-access --scope=seatmap --grouping-folder=shared/seatmap --npm-scope=nrwl-airlines --with-state
# or
yarn generate-project library data-access --scope=seatmap --grouping-folder=shared/seatmap --npm-scope=nrwl-airlines --with-state

Generate the seatmap data access library.

For now, we’ll put the feature store and effects in place by using the --with-stateparameter of the generate project tool. Note that we use the nested grouping folder shared/seatmap.

// seatmap-data-access.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';

import { SeatmapEffects } from './+state/seatmap.effects';
import * as fromSeatmap from './+state/seatmap.reducer';

  imports: [
    StoreModule.forFeature(fromSeatmap.seatmapFeatureKey, fromSeatmap.reducer),
export class SeatmapDataAccessModule {}

The seatmap data access module.

The seatmap data access Angular module gives us an overview of what’s configured in the seatmap data access library. This is a good starting point.

ng run seatmap-data-access:lint

ng run seatmap-data-access:test --watch=false

Lint and test the seatmap data access library.

Everything looks ready to go!

Seat listing feature library#

It’s time to add the first feature of the seatmap domain which is used in both the check-in and booking applications.

npm run generate-project -- library feature feature-seat-listing --scope=seatmap --grouping-folder=shared/seatmap --npm-scope=nrwl-airlines
# or
yarn generate-project library feature feature-seat-listing --scope=seatmap --grouping-folder=shared/seatmap --npm-scope=nrwl-airlines

Generate the seatmap seat listing feature library.

Our tool generates an Angular module and a component for us.

To add this feature to our applications, we add a route to each feature shell module.

// check-in-feature-shell.module.ts
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { CheckInDataAccessModule } from '@nrwl-airlines/check-in/data-access';
import { SharedDataAccessModule } from '@nrwl-airlines/shared/data-access';

import { ShellComponent } from './shell/shell.component';

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: ShellComponent,
    children: [
        path: '',
        pathMatch: 'full',
        redirectTo: 'seatmap', // 👈
        path: 'seatmap', // 👈
        loadChildren: () =>
            .then(esModule => esModule.SeatmapFeatureSeatListingModule),

  declarations: [ShellComponent],
  exports: [RouterModule],
  imports: [
export class CheckInFeatureShellModule {}

#angular #angular-cli #angular-workspace #monorepo #nx #series-angular-architectural-patterns #ngrx

Tutorial: Nx-style monorepo workspace with Angular CLI: Part 5
4.40 GEEK