Abstract. We present a Reinforcement Learning (RL) model for self-improving chatbots, specifically targeting FAQ-type chatbots. The model is not aimed at building a dialog system from scratch, but to leverage data from user conversations to improve chatbot performance. At the core of our approach is a score model, which is trained to score chatbot utterance-response tuples based on user feedback. The scores predicted by this model are used as rewards for the RL agent. Policy learning takes place offline, thanks to an user simulator which is fed with utterances from the FAQ-database. Policy learning is implemented using a Deep Q-Network (DQN) agent with epsilon-greedy exploration, which is tailored to effectively include fallback answers for out-of-scope questions. The potential of our approach is shown on a small case extracted from an enterprise chatbot. It shows an increase in performance from an initial 50% success rate to 75% in 20–30 training epochs.

The published version of the paper is available below, in proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM), Montreal, 2019 (Paper) (Code)

1 Introduction

The majority of dialog agents in an enterprise setting are domain specific, consisting of a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) unit trained to recognize the user’s goal in a supervised manner. However, collecting a good training set for a production system is a time-consuming and cumbersome process. Chatbots covering a wide range of intents often face poor performance due to intent overlap and confusion. Furthermore, it is difficult to autonomously retrain a chatbot taking into account the user feedback from live usage or testing phase. Self-improving chatbots are challenging to achieve, primarily because of the difficulty in choosing and prioritizing metrics for chatbot performance evaluation. Ideally, one wants a dialog agent to be capable to learn from the user’s experience and improve autonomously.

In this work, we present a reinforcement learning approach for self-improving chatbots, specifically targeting FAQ-type chatbots. The core of such chatbots is an intent recognition NLU, which is trained with hard-coded examples of question variations. When no intent is matched with a confidence level above 30%, the chatbot returns a fallback answer. For all others, the NLU engine returns the corresponding confidence level along with the response.

Several research papers [2, 3, 7, 8] have shown the effectiveness of a RL approach in developing dialog systems. Critical to this approach is the choice of a good reward model. A typical reward model is the implementation of a penalty term for each dialog turn. However, such rewards only apply to task completion chatbots where the purpose of the agent is to satisfy user’s request in the shortest time, but it is not suitable for FAQ-type chatbots where the chatbot is expected to provide a good answer in one turn. The user’s feedback can also be used as a reward model in an online reinforcement learning. However, applying RL on live conversations can be challenging and it may incur a significant cost in case of RL failure.

A better approach for deployed systems is to perform the RL training offline and then update the NLU policy once satisfactory levels of performance have been reached.

2 Reinforcement Learning Model

The RL model architecture is illustrated in Figure 1. The various components of the model are: the NLU unit, which is used to initially train the RL agent in a warm-up phase; the user simulator, which randomly extracts the user utterances from the database of user experiences; the score model trained on the user’s conversation with feedback and the RL agent based on a Deep Q-Network (DQN) network.

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Self-improving Chatbots based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
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