These days it is an obvious choice to set up applications using reusable components. But how do you make sure that your component library does not become a giant mess when your application grows and your team scales? How do you make sure that the so carefully constructed design is maintained over time? And most importantly, how do make sure that everyone is onboard and uses it properly?
Luckily, this is where design systems save the day!
In this hands-on session I will explain how to effectively set up a design system in order to design and (re-)build applications faster, and how design systems should be used in order to allow scaling and flexibility in your application and team.
You will learn how concepts like integration testing, component composition, design tokens and atomic design can help you in this process. On top of that I will show you how to use your design system as a NPM package in your application, and why a common language within a team is the foundation of any design system.

Speaker: Sanne Peters (Senior Front-end Architect) |

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Building effective design systems in Vue, React or whatever | Sanne Peters
1.15 GEEK