In this article, we will discuss about AWS EC2 service, its advantages and how to spin up an EC2 instance along with the actions we can perform in it.

Below are the topics we will discuss in this article:

What is AWS EC2?

Elastic Compute Cloud provides a highly scalable virtual compute environments in the AWS cloud. Each virtual environments are called Instances. You can configure the Operating system, CPU, security and memory and create a virtual server in minutes whenever needed.

You can also create EC2 instances on different physical locations based on customer demography.

Thus it saves a lot of planning, effort and money to create and maintain physical systems for your organization. Amazon takes care of them for you. You are just responsible for creating and securing EC2 instances for your application requirements.

Demo on AWS EC2

Let’s quickly jump to a small demo on how to spin up and access an EC2 instance.

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AWS EC2 Tutorial
1.10 GEEK