In this article let’s take a look at how to find all classes of a package in Java

To find all classes of a package in Java we can use the ClassHunter of Burningwave Core library. So we start by adding the following dependency to our pom.xml:




The next steps are the following:

  • retrieving the ClassHunter through the ComponentContainer
  • defining a regular expression that we must pass to the **ClassCriteria **object that will be injected into the **SearchConfig **object
  • calling the **loadInCache **method that loads in the cache all loadable classes of the indicated paths, then applies the criteria filter and then returns the **SearchResult **object which contains the classes that match the criteria

#java #classes #class #packages #package #how to find all the classes of a package in java

How to Find All the Classes of a Package in Java
1.20 GEEK