R vs Python is a constant tussle when it comes to what is the best language, according to data scientists. Though each language has it’s strengths, R, in my opinion has one cutting-edge trick that is hard to beat — R has fantastic tools to communicate results through visualization.

This particular point stood out to me this week, when I was trying to find an appealing way to visualize the correlation between features in my data. I stumbled upon CHORD Diagrams!(Which we will get to, in a minute) I had seen a few R examples to generate Chord Diagrams using _Circlize _where you could just pass the properly shaped data to the chordDiagram() function and ta-da!

You should have seen the look on my face when I found the Python Plotly implementation of the Chord Diagram. Even to get a basic figure, one had to put in a lot of effort. The end result simply did not seem worth the effort. I was almost dropping the idea of using a Chord Diagram, when I stumbled upon chord on pypi.

Okay, What is a Chord Diagram?

A Chord Diagram represents the flows between a set of distinct items. These items known as nodes are displayed all around a circle and the flows are shown as connections between the nodes, shown as arcs.

If that did not explain it clearly, let’s take a look at an example:

Image for post

The above Chord Diagram, visualizes the number of times two entities(Cities in this case) occur together in the itinerary of a traveler, it allows us to study the flow between them.

How to create a beautiful Chord Diagram with minimum effort?

Let me take you through the process of data preparation and then the creation of the Chord Diagram.


Assuming Pandas is already installed, You need to install the chord package from pypi, using —

pip install chord

#python #chord-diagram #data-visualization #machine-learning #data-science #data analysis

Create beautiful and interactive Chord Diagrams using Python
13.60 GEEK