The reason Python is so popular among the Data Scientist is because of all the built-in libraries within Python.

In Data Science, effective data visualizations are key to communicate your findings. After having done a series of data cleaning and data analysis, one has to communicate the findings from that data analysis and is usually done through visual aids: graphs and charts.

_“Visualizing information can give us a very quick solution to problems. We can get clarity or the answer to a simple problem very quickly.” — _David McCandless

One of the many libraries is Matplotlib, a plotting tool to create data visualizations. Other data visualization libraries such as Seaborn and Pandas DataFrames plot method are built upon Matplotlib. In this article, I will be strictly illustrating static plots — which I believe Matplotlib is best for. It’s quick, easy and intuitive.

If you are new to data science or even well versed in Python, I would highly recommend reading the documentation on Matplotlib, especially if you are reading this to learn data visualizations.

First you would import Matplotlib with pyplot (a Matplotlib module).

import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#data-visualization #data-science #matplotlib

Matplotlib: Quick and pretty (enough) to get you started.
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