This is concise, hands-on, end-to-end coverage of securing Azure Key Vault instance and contents, DevOps integration, and other info for MSFT AZ-500 and AZ-400 exam candidates and followers of our “100 Days of infrastructure-as-Code in Azure”. Enjoy!

You can find all the code, tutorials , and code transcript at

3:23 - Create Azure Key Vault
5:55 - Certificate management
12:23 - Securing the AKV instance (management plane)
14:23 - Create service principal and grant access
17:31 - RBAC roles Azure Key Vault
19:00 - Securing AKV contents with access policies (data plane)
22:33 - Access Policy Templates
25:28 - Managed Identities
26:38 - Azure Pipeline integration
31:15 - Software delete and purge protection in AKV

Resource Scheduler in the Azure Marketplace

#azure key vault #azure

Azure Key Vault Security Explained in Plain English (AZ-500, AZ-400, 100 Days of IaC)
1.15 GEEK