WebAssembly (WASM) has captured everybody’s attention because it allows developers to write code in their high-level language of choice and is  platform agnostic. The recently released  The State of WebAssembly 2021 shows that Rust is far and away that choice, but what other languages will be used by the next generation of WASM development?

According to a 249-person poll by the  WebAssembly Weekly newsletter and its broader community, 69% of WASM developers have some experience using Rust for WebAssembly development. Some combinations of C++ or  Emscripten are utilized by 51% of those surveyed, followed by 35% using  AssemblyScript, a language created for WASM that compiles a variant of TypeScript. About half the survey had more than two years of experience using WASM.

Going forward, Rust does even better — 60% want to use it a lot for WASM development and another 18% plan to use it to some extent in the future. AssemblyScript surpasses the other languages with 56% of respondents having some plans for it. AssemblyScript is interesting because of the big names that are sponsoring the project, which includes  Fastly and  Shopify as well as groups like  NEAR,  ChainSafe, and  The Graph that are involved with some of the best known involved with some of the best know decentralized protocols.

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WebAssembly Developers Lust for Rust and AssemblyScript (But Not Go)
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