This full course video on Deep Learning covers all the concepts and techniques that will help you become an expert in Deep Learning. First, you will learn the basics of Deep Learning and understand how to install TensorFlow on Ubuntu. You will get an idea about what is TensorFlow and implement an algorithm using TensorFlow in Python. You will see how TensorFlow Object detection API works and learn the different Deep Learning frameworks. Then, you will apply convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks in Python. Finally, you will come across a few important Deep Learning applications and look at the essential interview questions. Now, let’s get started and learn Deep Learning in detail.

Below topics are explained in this Deep Learning full course video:
1.Deep Learning: 02:13
2.Working of neural networks: 02:25
3.Horus Technology: 06:10
4.What is Deep Learning?: 06:50
5.Image Recognition: 07:00
6.Why do we need Deep Learning?: 10:20
7.Applications of Deep Learning: 11:40
8.What is a Neural Network?: 18:10
9.Biological Neuron vs Artificial Neuron: 21:20
10.Why are Deep Neural Nets hard to train?: 39:10
11.Neural Network Prediction: 42:00
12.Top Deep Learning Libraries: 1:12:50
13.Why TensorFlow?: 1:14:00
14.What is TensorFlow?: 1:16:10
15.What are Tensors?: 1:17:30
16.What is a Data Flow graph?: 1:20:20
17.Program Elements in TensoFlow: 1:22:50
18.TensorFlow program basics: 1:29:40
19.Use case Implementation using TensoFlow: 2:01:16
20.TensorFlow Object Detection: 2:20:46
21.COCO Dataset: 2:21:56
22.TensorFlow Object Detection API Tutorial: 2:31:46
23.Deep Learning Frameworks: 2:42:26
24.Keras: 2:45:16
25.PyTorch: 2:47:26
26.How image recognition works?: 3:18:16
27.How CNN recognizes images?: 3:26:06
28.Types of Recurrent Neural Network: 4:29:13
29.Working of LSTMs: 4:37:53
30.Deep Learning Applications: 5:16.21

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Deep Learning Full Course | Deep Learning For Beginners
2.50 GEEK