Flutter complete video App project based on Provider+MVVM


Based on Provider+MVVM’s Flutter video App project, Shuaishuai Television is an app containing a large amount of videos. You can watch all kinds of videos.

Previous point sample

home.gif detail_page.gif play_video.gif
selection_search.gif drop_style.gif text_search.gif

Some third-party libraries mainly used:

Third Party Library Function github Address
dio Network request https://github.com/flutterchina/dio
video_player Video player https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/video_player
chewie Video playback https://github:com/brianegan/chewie
fluro Route jump https://github.com/theyakka/fluro
connectivity Network change monitoring https://pub.dev/packages/connectivity
flutter_easyrefresh Pull up to load, pull down to refresh https://github.com/xuelongqy/flutter_easyrefresh
flutter_sticky_header Sticky head https://github.com/letsar/flutter_sticky_header
cached_network_image Image cache https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter_cached_network_image
fluttertoast Toast https://github.com/ponnamkarthik/FlutterToast
shared_preferences shared storage https://pub.dev/packages?q=shared_preferences


V1.1.0 2020-09-08

  • Fix the video fast switching bug
  • Video player adds gestures to slide to adjust volume and brightness
  • Modify the text search history logic
  • Modify some icons

V1.0.0 2020-08-19

  • Add message module
  • To add history, click to continue watching
  • Add the function of controlling whether the video is automatically played
  • Add splash screen animation function on startup page

V0.0.1 2020-08-04

  • The basic functions of Shuaishuai Television have been completed

Download Details:

Author: bridfish

Source Code: https://github.com/bridfish/shuaishuai_film

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Flutter complete video App project based on Provider+MVVM
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