React Component for Document Picture-in-Picture API

Easily and quickly use Chrome's new experimental Document Picture-in-Picture API as a zero-dependency React component.


npm install react-document-picture-in-picture

Installs the component package from this monorepo project.


import ReactDocumentPictureInPicture from "react-document-picture-in-picture";

// Inside your React component ...
        ({ open, close, toggle, isOpen }) => 
                <b>Is {isOpen ? 'Open' : 'Closed'}</b>
                <button onClick={open}>Open</button>
                <button onClick={close}>Close</button>
                <button onClick={toggle}>Toggle</button>
    onOpen={() => console.log('Opened')}
    onClose={() => console.log('Closed')}
    onResize={(w, h) => console.log('Resized to ' + w + 'x' + h)}
    This text should be displayed in a Document Picture in Picture in the bottom right of the original window

There are at least three useful examples demonstrating how to use event props, the ref prop and size props in the examples package of this monorepo.

To quickly take a look at the examples, click here

Or you can build the examples site yourself:

  • Clone the repository
  • Install PNPM
  • Finally, run the following commands:
pnpm install 
pnpm run --filter react-document-picture-in-picture build
pnpm run --filter examples start

The examples will be available at https://localhost:1234/ in your browser.

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React Component for Document Picture-in-Picture API
1.15 GEEK