UIs with Python – Use PyQt5 to Create a Music Player

Learn how to create UIs with Python by creating a Modern Music Player with the PyQt5 framework. Some of the features of the app are:

- Beautiful and modern user interface
- Playlists and favourite songs functionalities
- Custom context menus for different pages
- Background slideshow for every song

⭐️ Chapters ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) 01: Introduction
⌨️ (0:00:47) 02: Demo
⌨️ (0:04:40) 03: Getting Starter Files
⌨️ (0:06:24) 04: Installing required packages
⌨️ (0:07:56) 05: Opening the Qt Designer
⌨️ (0:10:37) 06: Exploring the UI file
⌨️ (0:21:05) 07: Designing the User Interface
⌨️ (1:37:15) 08: Convert the UI file and the resource file
⌨️ (1:46:45) 09: Creating custom title bar
⌨️ (1:55:09) 10: Add Songs
⌨️ (2:05:49) 11: Play Song
⌨️ (2:13:44) 12: Pause and Unpause
⌨️ (2:17:01) 13: Stop Song
⌨️ (2:21:02) 14: Volume Control
⌨️ (2:27:41) 15: Move Slider
⌨️ (2:42:07) 16: Next Song
⌨️ (2:47:36) 17: Previous Song
⌨️ (2:57:58) 18: Loop one song and play random
⌨️ (3:15:52) 19: Automatically play next song
⌨️ (3:21:48) 20: Remove Songs
⌨️ (3:33:37) 21: Navigate Pages
⌨️ (3:37:53) 22: Database Functions
⌨️ (4:23:58) 23: Favourite Songs Functions
⌨️ (4:51:52) 24: Automatically restart queues
⌨️ (5:01:28) 25: Playlist Functions
⌨️ (5:49:06) 26: Create Context Menus
⌨️ (6:09:20) 27: Show Playlist Content
⌨️ (6:28:13) 28: Background Slideshow
⌨️ (6:41:09) 29: Fixing Database Directory
⌨️ (6:45:52) 30: Conclusion

💻 Code: https://github.com/tommyscodebase/Advanced_Music_Player_with_PyQt5 

Download DB Browser for SQLite: https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/

#python #pyqt5

Creating a Modern Music Player with Python and PyQt5
13.15 GEEK