Quirky Alarm Clock App That Donates Your Money to Charity Unless You Succesfully Solve

Provoc ☀️

An alarm app for iOS and Android that donates your money to charity if you fail complete a warm up challenge in an alloted amount of time after the set alarm goes off.


When I wake up I usually have a period of unproductivity in which I’m lounging around in bed, on my phone, and just generally in a very distracted mindset. This project is an attempt at improving the classic alarm clock to get your brain warmed up for productivepursuits as soon as you wake up, at the threat of financial loss.


  • npm i


  • expo start
  • select a simulator, or scan QR code to run on a physical device


  • Supports both Android and iOS devices

Code Style

  • Please use Airbnb’s ESLint config with TypeScript support enabled.


  • TBA


Built with:

  • React Native
  • TypeScript
  • Expo

Download Details:

Author: j-hertzog

Source Code: https://github.com/j-hertzog/Provoco

#react #react-native #mobile-apps

Quirky Alarm Clock App That Donates Your Money to Charity Unless You Succesfully Solve
10.15 GEEK