React Credit Card Form Input | React Payment Card Input

A React Hook & Container to help with payment credit card input fields.

Install & Import:

# Yarn
$ yarn add react-payment-inputs

$ npm i react-payment-inputs --saveimport React from 'react';
import { usePaymentInputs } from 'react-payment-inputs';

Basic Usage:

export default function PaymentInputs() {
  const { meta, getCardNumberProps, getExpiryDateProps, getCVCProps } = usePaymentInputs();
  return (
      <input {...getCardNumberProps({ onChange: handleChangeCardNumber })} value={cardNumber} />
      <input {...getExpiryDateProps({ onChange: handleChangeExpiryDate })} value={expiryDate} />
      <input {...getCVCProps({ onChange: handleChangeCVC })} value={cvc} />
      {meta.isTouched && meta.error && <span>Error: {meta.error}</span>}


Payment Card Input For React

Download Details:


Author: medipass

Live Demo: View The Demo

Download Link: Download The Source Code

Official Website:

License: MIT

#react #reactjs 

React Credit Card Form Input | React Payment Card Input
1.05 GEEK