How to reduce the deployment size of your Angular 2+ application


A sample project to show how to make angular2+ deployment size small. It uses lazy loaded modules to keep the size small.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.4.

Live Home page demo 

Live Admin panel demo 

The routing schema

To make any page independent and make them not affect other pages' size, every page is a lazy loaded Module

                                 ------------>    Dashboard (router + template)
app.component (router) -------->
                                 ------------>    Home  (router + template)
                                                                              -------------> aboutus
                                                                              -------------> blog
                                                                              -------------> contact
                                                                              -------------> index
                                                                              -------------> pricing

Admin Panel (page Size ~= 950KB )

Home Page (page Size ~= 950KB )

The Home page size

Download details:

Author: younos1986


How to reduce the deployment size of your Angular 2+ application
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