Ipyleaflet is a python library that gives to you most of the advantages of the original JavaScript library Leaflet. There a few python libraries that are abstractions of Leaflet, each one with your characteristics like Folium, that make the task of plot your geographic data really easy. But if you want to deal with mouse events in your map, it is quite difficult due the lack of support by the native event functions of Folium.

Ipyleaflet is another great library that is based on Leaflet and unlike Folium, has great built in functions to deal with events like mouse click, mouse up, mouse down, pre click and observe the change of location of an object and so on.

In this quick tutorial I will show how to deal with those functions, so you could have great interactive maps in your python environments :D

Instantiating a map

from ipyleaflet import *
center = (52.204793, 360.121558)
m = Map(center=center)

Creating a marker

marker = Marker(location=center, draggable=True)

#ipyleaflet #jupyter #python #mouse-event #maps

How to Use Mouse Events on Ipyleaflet
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