When we give a feature to register a user in our application. It is must to validate the users that they are genuine or not. So if we take user’s email as an input, we must verify user’s email address before giving the access of application’s features. In this article we will discuss to implement custom email verification system in laravel application.

Since laravel provides a feature of email verification but yet for the simplification or some people do not want to use laravel’s default email verification feature. It can be more hactice to change the code or some other reason. They want to create their own email verification feature.

So in this article, we will create this feature in the easiest possible steps. So please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Create “users_verify” table

Since you will already have users table. So in this first step we will create users_verify table in our database connected to the laravel application. For creating table we will create a migration. Run the following command to generate migration file.

php artisan make:migration create_users_verify_table

#laravel #email verification in php #email verification system

Custom Email Verification System laravel Example
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