Tuning the model is the way to supercharge the model to increase their performance. Let us look into an example where there is a comparison between the untuned XGBoost model and tuned XGBoost model based on their RMSE score. Later, you will know about the description of the hyperparameters in XGBoost.

Below is the code example for untuned parameters in XGBoost model:

#Importing necessary libraries
	import pandas as pd
	import numpy as np 
	import xgboost as xg

	#Load the data
	house = pd.read_csv("ames_housing_trimmed_pricessed.csv")
	X,y = house[house.columns.tolist()[:-1]],

	#Converting it into DMatrix
	house_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data = X, label = y)

	#Parameter configuration
	param_untuned = {"objective":"reg:linear"}

	cv_untuned_rmse = xg.cv(dtrain = house_dmatrix, params = param_untuned, nfold = 4, 
	                        metrics = "rmse", as_pandas = True, seed= 123)
	print("RMSE Untuned: %f" %((cv_untuned_rmse["test-rmse-mean"]).tail(1)))
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tune_1.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Output: 34624.229980

Now let us look to the value of RMSE when the parameters are tuned to some extent:

#Importing necessary libraries
	import pandas as pd
	import numpy as np 
	import xgboost as xg

	#Load the data
	house = pd.read_csv("ames_housing_trimmed_pricessed.csv")
	X,y = house[house.columns.tolist()[:-1]],

	#Converting it into DMatrix
	house_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data = X, label = y)

	#Parameter Configuration
	param_tuned = {"objective":"reg:linear", 'colsample_bytree': 0.3,
	               'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_depth': 5}

	cv_tuned_rmse = xg.cv(dtrain = house_dmatrix, params = param_tuned, nfold = 4,
	                      num_boost_round = 200, metrics = "rmse", as_pandas = True, seed= 123)
	print("RMSE Tuned: %f" %((cv_tuned_rmse["test-rmse-mean"]).tail(1)))
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tune_2.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Output: 29812.683594

It can be seen that there is around 15% reduction in the RMSE score when the parameters got tuned.

#machine-learning #hyperparameter #artificial-intelligence #hyperparameter-tuning #xgboost #deep learning

Fine Tuning XGBoost model
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